Karamea 150 Years Celebrations

Every 2 days All day for 3 times
Event Cost
See details below

KARAMEA 150 YEARS REUNION November 15th - 17th 2024

The Karamea Historical Society is planning a relaxed weekend to celebrate our sesqui-centennial, 150 years of settlement and schooling in Karamea.

If you are a past or present Karamea resident, school student or staff member we would love you to join us for a weekend of catching up with old friends and meeting new ones.

In true Karamea style, celebrations will include time to chat and mingle, a night of dancing, school photos, an old fashioned picnic, a parade, competitions for adults and children, VIP 's,  cake, entertainment, and much, much more.

Karamea was registered as a “Special Settlement” (the government helped English and Shetland Islanders with passage to NewZealand where they worked for the land they occupied)  and remains a very special place in the hearts of  all who have had the privilige of living here. Young, old or in between, there is something for everyone. So set the weekend aside to come, learn more about your unique heritage and have some fun.

Registration fee – All weekend inclusive:
Adult - $100
Child 13-18yrs - $40
Child 5-12yrs - $20
Child under 5 - free of charge

Timetable -
6 pm - Registration at school followed by social Meet and Greet in School Hall – light refreshments will be
served. Cash bar available. One complimentary beverage.
9 am – Parade from Market Cross to school. Late registrations at the School Hall.
10 am – Official Welcome, speeches by local VIP's
Cake Cutting.
12pm – Old Fashioned Picnic – bring your own or purchase from food carts and fundraiser sausage sizzle.
Timetabled Photos – New school will be open to view static, themed displays of Karamea's history.
Tabloid Sports? Area of origin teams?
8pm – Dance at School Hall - Light refreshments, finger food supper, tea and coffee, one complimentary
beverage. Cash bar available.
Interdenominational Church service – School Hall
Judging of Beard growing ( must be clean shaven on 01/03/2024) and styling competition. (No need to be
clean shaven)
Judging of Historical fashion in the Field and Hair Style competitions – Adults and Children.
Wood Chopping Challenge, Lolly Scramble, Viking Ship Burning and more.
Timetable of additional events will be available when you collect your registration package.

General Information
Please arrange your own accommodation, some places are booked out already. A caravan or camper might
be an option. Maori point camping ground is closed. There is limited budget accommodation available at The
Last Resort, A variety of hotel rooms and self contained units at Little Wanganui Hotel, unpowered
campervan sites at Karamea Memorial Domain and Karamea Village Hotel. There are several self contained
accommodations and BnB's which will be worth checking out. These range from budget to luxury.
Once everything is full we will look at other options so we can make sure everyone gets a bed.
If you have any old photos of schooling, Karamea or local folk, could you please make a copy and name it,
especially the people in it, for the museum. Thanks. The museum will be open all weekend.

Historical Dates to remember:
26th November 1874 to 26th November 2024 – 150 YEARS of organised settlement.
June 1875 to June 2025- 150 YEARS of schooling in Karamea.
Registrations close on 10th October 2024

Completed forms may be emailed to karamea150years@gmail.com
or posted to:
Karamea Historical Society – 150 Years
PO Box 160
Karamea 7864

If you know of others who may like to attend, please forward this form to them.

Attachment Size
Karamea 150 Years Registration form 278.06 KB