Karamea War Memorial Library

Waverly Street, Karamea

Karamea Community Library is housed in the Karamea War Memorial building. It was built in 1954 with a government grant, on land donated by the Education Board.

At this early stage, the premises were shared with the Plunket Society. When Plunket (and later St. Johns Assoc. who have also used the building) moved elsewhere, the library was able to make use of the whole building.

A dividing wall was removed, French doors were installed at the front and a grant obtained for carpeting.

The Taskforce Green Scheme (a national government funded and local government administered scheme of that period) provided labour for the renovations.

Today this community-owned library is entirely maintained through the efforts of a voluntary library committee and subscriptions are the main source of income.

A roster system of seven volunteers ensures that the library is opened and available for community use twice a week.

All needs are catered for, with large print, a children’s collection, and a regularly rotating supply from the much larger Buller District Library in Westport to expand the local collection.

Two very enthusiastic and able voluntary librarians manage the general presentation and overall condition of the books as well as frequently updating the shelves with much appreciated new and used material donated by supportive residents in the district.

The library boasts some enviable membership offers.

Subscriptions are a mere $20 per annum or $10 per six months for a family or individual with no lending fees on books and no overdue book fines.

These rules also apply to the Buller District Library selection.

Subscribers need to be resident in Karamea.

A Returns Box is located at the Karamea Hardware for after hours convenience.


Mon 10.30am - 12.30pm
Wed 10.30am - 3.30pm
Sat 10.30am - 12.30pm

Contact Person:
Patricia Rae 782 6674

Book donations welcomed
Wide ranging selection of adult and children's books
Good selection of N.Z. authors

The Library is run by volunteers

Enquiries are welcome.