Originating some 25 plus years ago as a community facility with restricted opening hours and staffed by volunteers, the Karamea Information and Resource Centre Inc gained Charitable Status in 1994, and today successfully operates out of large premises in the heart of Market Cross, where the Centre has become the hub of the community.
It is owned by the community, and run by the community for the community, and offers resource and information services to both newcomers to the district and local residents as well as increasing numbers of visitors, providing a wide range of information, support and assistance. It is basically a service centre for Karamea.
In 2008 the local garage and fuel supply closed its doors, and after some negotiation and with the backing of Development West Coast, the Centre took over the fuel supply and moved into the renovated service station station, enabling it to remain open 7 days a week (except public holidays) and provide employment for three part-time staff. We are indebted to funding assistance from the Buller District Council, Lottery Community, and COGS as we seek to become self-sufficient.
In 2017, the fuel pumps became an unmanned site operated by Allied Fuel Company, providing 24/7 access to fuel at competitive prices. Customers may still purchase fuel for cash inside the Info Centre during opening hours.
Fuel available 24/7 with credit/EFTPOS
Winter hours
Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm
Saturday, 10am to 1pm