The aim of the Group as written in our constitution is: 'To preserve, enhance and promote the historic and natural values of the Karamea Estuary and surrounds’.
The Project will provide educational opportunities and active involvement for members of the community and local school students. The goal is to create a Walkway around the Karamea Estuary foreshore, to revegetate the area with indigenous flora, to encourage the return of indigenous fauna and to enable locals and visitors to view and value the heritage and natural features of this estuarine area.
KEEP is officially registered as an Incorporated Society with 17 original members. The group consists of regulars and ‘friends’ – those who want to join in activities when they can but not necessarily to attend meetings or become members. We are keen to encourage anyone to participate at whatever level suits.
Meetings are either work bees or more formal occasions. We try to have a formal meeting once a month, usually at the DoC office. Work bees tend to be called when there is a need – but people usually know what ongoing maintenance jobs need doing and can do maintenance such as weeding at any time.
There are several special interest groups – Planting; Track Work and Structures; Historic/Heritage - Presentation and Interpretation; Financial / Fundraising/ Sponsorship; Flora And Fauna – Biodiversity Work; Interactions With School/ Community/ Other Groups/ Doc; Official Things/ Paperwork/ Documentation. People have chosen the things they are particularly interested in and often that is more than one group.