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Rain in the Oparara has brought a change to the river ecosystem
Our lovely Oparara river has turned milk coffee brown after rain. A series of slips in the…
Sweet fern - Pteris macilenta - some differences
We have a stack of Pteris ferns here, known as Sweet fern or Brakes.The typical fern here is Pteris…
Under the microscope - Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum
We have many, many filmy ferns in Karamea called Hymenophyllum. Kahurangi is a wet place and…
Under the microscope - Zotovs bastard grass
If there's one thing that Kiwis love it's a good sarcastic name. This one is not really a…
Up close and personal - a Kahikatea mast
Kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) is masting this year. A mast is a season of major…
Up close and personal - Metrosideros fulgens
Metrosideros fulgens is often known as Scarlet Rātā Vine. it is everywhere here late summer…