Upcoming Pop Up Gallery events


The Great Karamea Arts Think

Sunday October 6 12pm-4pm

  • What does the future of Arts look like for us? And how do we get there?

  • What does ART mean to you? (Theatre, Visual arts, Craft, Music, Sculpture, Pottery, Weaving, Performance…?) 

  • What do YOU need to grow in your art journey? 


We’ll have a fun, interactive, collaborative, big old brainstorm and discussion, collate these ideas into an idea funnel with a simple set of actions and a longer term plan out the end - and present it back at the December Pop Up. 


Would you like to get involved with this Arts Think and help on the day? Promise it’ll be fun! Let Sanae know karameagallery@gmail.com 

Rangitahi: We would LOVE lots of children involved!


Pop Up Gallery ‘pop ups’


With Love from Karamea 3.1

Karamea’s 150th - Saturday November 16


With Love from Karamea 3.2

December Gift Buying time! December 14 & 15 


The above two Pop Up Gallery events have been planned to coincide when there are going to be large numbers of visitors to Karamea / when Karamea people are wanting to buy gifts to send away.  If you would like to ‘cash in’ on this, think more, smaller pieces, maybe with Karamea themes. You might sell more items but make them light, smaller pieces that are easy to be packed into luggage and taken or posted away. But remember this is also a chance to showcase what Karamea’s about so feel free to include art and craft of all shapes and sizes.



Nope - we don’t have an event. BUT we have a suggestion: Do art! Do it until you’re blue in the face. Reignite that creative spark inside you. Get in the zone whenever you can, and work on having a number of pieces to put in both the November and December Pop Up events.

And scribble your notes down as you gear up to THINK arts on 6th October.