Tutors wanted for Winter School June 2024


The 'Karamea Knowledge Sharing workshop' team is looking for Tutors  to share their knowledge and skills for Winter School.  Winter School  runs for the whole month of June and this will our 10th year. of workshops. Anyone can be a Tutor and you can teach anything you wish.  All Tutors and facilators are unpaid volunteers and workshops are free to attend, though  you can charge a fee to cover the costs of any materials used. We  will organise an appropriate venue for your workshop and take care of advertising .   We will need all Tutors to register by the end of April, .  Please  email Kathy Ramsay on karameaknowledge@gmail.com if you are interested, or phone 03 7826808.    We have recently opened a Community Account with NBS and are most grateful for the kind donation of $500 .Here's a link to the online registration form.  https://karamea.nz/web/ws2024