Check out this list of over 35 sites and stallholders coming to the Karamea Show tomorrow from all over the South Island! The domain field is looking beautiful too.
Check out the list below - and this isn’t all of them! Well done Kylie and Amanda, and we see Bridie toiling away in the background too.
See you all 10am - 4pm tomorrow, Saturday 9th December.
- PLUS amazing local collaboration duo Soulfish playing music around lunch time, Shamrock Irish Dancing display at 12.30pm
- Sausage Sizzle at Clean Streams Karamea - fundraising for School digital scoreboard
- Hotdogs made available from 11am – 2pm thanks to Karamea Village Hotel.
- Candy Floss and iceblocks will now be there!
- Kids entertainment throughout the day
- Bouncy Castle - we managed to source one - huge sigh of relief
- Kids Obstacle Course - thank you Sophie Marr!
Other siteholders and attractions:
Dutch Oven Bakery
Billy Williams Garden Stone Pots
Back Country Honey
Tina Wylie Art
Jeff Bone Welding Supplies
Toyota tent and vehicles
John Deere Lawnmowers
OB Oils and Vintage Car
Nigel Stallwood - Weka Woodworks wooden shrooms & boxes
Emma Walker – indoor plants
Kongahu Homekill
Clean Streams Karamea - plants and sausage sizzle fundraiser
TranzWest Trucks
Westland Milk
Domain Gazebo
Calf competition area
Hilton Haulage display and tent
Poutini Waiora healthcheck presentation
Light Healing
Liana Stupples Art
Balance Fertiliser
Farmlands Tent & Rural Support BBQ
West Coast Shed Specialists
Spray Drone
Power Farming
Tasman Honda
Northbeach Tyres (more than just tyres!)
Tasman Ag
Westland Farm Services
Several sites with vehicles / vintage vehicle and tractor

The Karamea Show is also supported by All Breeds Karamea, Karamea Domain, Karamea Area School and Karamea Community Incorporated.