KaraWearable - parking and more

KaraWearable - note parking areas in attached image.
It's sinking in! Stuff's getting real! It's an organising frenzy. No it's not - we're totally under control! And that's exactly how we want you to be this Saturday night; drive slowly, be aware of people pulling in and out of the School drive and note the image below; all audience members, volunteers and models to park along Waverley Street. Any other parking out off the street, behind the school etc is for costumer entrant's drop off.
Oh and ... got your tickets yet??
All the details you need are below:

Show: Saturday June 1 - doors open from 6pm - 6.30pm. Approximate finish 9pm Exhibition (free): Sunday June 2 - 10am - 4pm
TICKETING: (At Karamea Pop Up Gallery we are all about making the Arts accessible - so we aim to keep ticket prices to the minimum). Adult pre purchase $15. On the night $20. School age and under FREE
BUY TICKETS FROM: Karamea Information Centre Drop in: 106 Bridge Street, Karamea 7893 Email: info@karameainfo.co.nz - with your name, how many tickets Phone: 03 782 6652

You have an important role at the event - you get to vote for the People's Choice award!
We also encourage guests to dress up for the red carpet welcome from 6pm! (There are spot prizes for best dressed!!)
If you hate dressing up - don't panic it's just an option.