Karamea Pop-up Gallery November Exhibition on November 16 & 17, 2024 at Old Karamea Hardware Store


Calling all artists, creators, crafters to art lovers,


Karamea Pop-up Gallery November exhibition is a perfect opportunity to showcase your work and talents to the people who love and have lived in this beautiful paradise.


Do you have any artworks related to Karamea? Or a creation inspired from Karamea? Or any other artworks you'd like to exhibit?


Registration for the November exhibition is open now. 

Please email karameagallery@gmail.com to register your artworks, and bring them over to Old Karamea Hardware Store on Friday, November 15, from 3 pm to 5pm.


We are aware that many of our volunteers will be busy helping, attending and enjoying the 150th celebration. If you have any spare moments to give us a hand, please let me know. 

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.


[ Schedule for the weekend ]


November 14, Thursday, 5pm Last day of the registration

November 15, Friday, 3 - 5pm Set up for the exhibition

November 16 & 17, Saturday & Sunday, 10am - 4pm November Exhibition

November 17, Sunday, 4pm - 6pm Pack up Exhibition and pick up items


Let’s celebrate your talents and art with the magnificent Karamea 150th!


Looking forward to hearing from you.


Sanae Murray

Karamea Pop-up Curator / Coordinator