Can you help? It'll only take 2 minutes


Have you ever wondered how you can have a positive impact on the community without a whole bunch of effort? Have you enjoyed seeing the Pop Up Gallery ‘popping up’ in Karamea with local art and craft works, music, and the community coming together (including our children) to connect and appreciate all of those things?

Here’s something you can do to help the Pop Up Gallery continue, and it only involves your fingers and eyes and a minute or two.

The more people who respond the better, and we’ll explain why.

You can read more about our application in the link below, but for context:

For the Karamea Community Art Space project (the Pop Up Gallery) to carry on, to eventually become self-sustainable, and to grow to include workshops, upskilling and other events, we’ve needed to apply for funding. The planning team have applied to the Manatū Taonga Cultural Sector Regeneration Fund in order to be able to build on the good work already begun, create a more sustainable project, offer a whole lot more in the way of networking, events, workshops and upskilling. Not only does this help our local artists but also provides a unique opportunity for entertainment and access to the Arts for ALL of our community.

Please click on the link and fill in the easy-peasy quick survey to show your support - the more support, the more likely we are to receive funding. The fund is rather oversubscribed so the competition is hot; we’ve really put our best foot forward and every bit helps!

Please fill in the little survey here: