KCI (Karamea Community Incorporated) now have a Community Coordinator, Jessie Creedmore. You can contact her on
History of the Partnership:
The Community-led Development Partnership is based on a community or hapū and the Department of Internal Affairs signing a partnership agreement and agreeing to work together.
In 2017, Karamea Community Incorporated successfully applied on behalf of the greater Karamea--Little Wanganui community for a Community-Led Development Programme partnering agreement with the Department of Internal Affairs, with the goal of contributing to achieving our vision:
Karamea is a hospitable, safe and productive community where members can live, share, play, celebrate, prosper, and welcome others.
The agreement is viewable here.
In community-led development, we work within five guiding principles developed by Inspiring Communities:
- Principle 1 - Shared local visions or goals drive action and change
“Successful communities recognise that the future is something they can build for themselves. They take the time to develop a vision of the future they want, and then use a process that helps them to achieve their goals.
Achieving the future you want takes hard work. But successful communities understand that the things they dream about will only become real through great effort, determination and teamwork. Sometimes the vision isn’t written down but there is a common and shared understanding about what the community is working towards and activities and action are guided by this. In some communities the vision has been there for decades and has been passed on from one generation to another." Quote from the New Zealand Futures Trust
- Principle 2 - Use existing strengths and assets
The best way to develop your community, hapū or iwi is to build on the strengths that are already within it.
- Principle 3 - Many people and groups working together
Your community, hapū or iwi is more than just the schools, families, shops, churches, sports clubs, marae, local charities, workplaces, politicians – it may be all or some of these.
Community-led development works best when all parts of your community, hapū or iwi work together to pull in the same direction.
- Principle 4 - Building diverse and collaborative local leadership
Community-led development is about local people in the community, hapū or iwi taking the lead, rather than others from outside. We all lead at different times. This could be at work, in our families, playing sport, in the marae or church kitchen, or at play centre. Building local leadership involves all of your community, hapū or iwi supporting people to develop their strengths and work together.
- Principle 5 - Adaptable planning and action informed by outcomes
Each community-led development journey began with the community, hapū, iwi beginning to set visions and goals for the future and develop plans for how to get there, working with the people, the ideas and the resources available to them. At each stage, it is important to reflect on how things went or what is happening, and to also think and talk about what else is possible.
Download the CLD Core Principles (PDF)
In January 2019 KCI enlisted Liz Kerslake as a CLDP Partnership Manager to coordinate and facilitate the Karamea Community-led Development Programme partnership and key strategic projects that will:
- Support and engage community-driven solutions for community identified issues
- Unite goal driven actions that promote positive change
- Identify and utilise existing community strengths and assets
- Promote and empower Karamea communities, interest groups and project groups/teams to work together
- Recognise and provide opportunities that build diverse and collaborative local leadership
- Encourage and demonstrate adaptable planning and action
- Promote a culture of mutual support across social, economic, environmental and cultural realms