Karamea.nz is maintained by volunteers within the Karamea area with the purpose of providing easily accessible up-to-date information to the community, to Karameans living outside the district, anyone thinking about moving here or those with an affinity for the area as a favourite holiday destination.
You can find information about local services, upcoming events, browse the notice board to find goods for sale, job openings and read other public notices and read articles pertaining to all aspects of life in Karamea.
This website also provides an opportunity for everyone in the community to participate in improving the site and to contribute content. Local community groups and businesses can promote their organisation at no cost.
Membership is free and as a registered user you can promote events, post notices, submit articles and advertise goods wanted or for sale. This is your website, so do get in touch with your comments and ideas.
Your assistance with providing content that is relevant to Karamea and its people will be very much appreciated. As with any community project, you get what you give.
To learn more about the history of this community project, read David Guppy's Website Story.